Whoever is a huge Topshop fan will know that Topshop is launching a one-off 20% Sale on EVERYTHING for 1-2 days in different parts of the UK.Yes. Prepare your wallets ladies.EVERYTHING is on sale!
Needless to say, I have this special day written down in my diary along with the pretty things I want to have my hands on, let me share this with you! Its just a few peices i need in my wardrobe, its not suppose to be matching just things i need. Whats on your shopping list?
Kisses, Winnie
Love those silky shirts you picked out!
why couldn't that sale have happened when I was there!? :)
That necklace in the photo is great. Wonder if they have that shop in Sydney?
Thanks for your comment! Im now following you :)
Lovely choise of items. I like the shoes! xo
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