Being a Draper’s subscriber, I get all the latest fashion news and essentials I need for every season, including the season’s hottest trends and all the insight into fresh designers and brands.
It’s exciting to receive the magazine weekly (although I steer clear from the pages which list sales and trading news as it bores me with the percentages) I adore reading the reviews on independent retailers (also known as Indies), current high street stores (including previews and openings), catwalks and the latest trends!
I would highly recommend every single one of you guys to get this bible, otherwise, why not visit there site if you haven’t done so already…
Sorry the images are slightly on the darker side, my scanner isn't working so i had to take the pictures instead!.. hope you like them though cause i sure do! xxx Winnie

i love all these images! great finds!
thanks for stopping by my blog and leaving a comment. i love yours. would you like to follow each other? =)
Gorgeous editorials! Thanks for sharing, its the first time i'm hearing of drapers!
<3 Kelly
I love the photos! And I have seen 10 Things I Hate About You. It's just about the best movie ever.
Love ur blog! <3
Yes! I am from LA! Of course I would love to recommend some places for you to visit in LA. Let me know when you do, just shoot me an email or leave me a message on my blog when you're about to head over here.
These are great photos. I love admiring fashion photos, they are so inspirational. :)
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